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2023 Important Dates

Updated: Feb 16, 2023

With 18 hours of programming, there's more to a dance marathon than fundraising! We want you to get the most out of your dance marathon programming, so be sure you keep an eye on the dates below so you can participate and every element of the event.



How to get Involved

Wednesday, February 22, 2pm

Buzz For A Cure

A long-standing raiseRED tradition, students pledge to shave their head, or do a major chop, during the dance marathon if they reach their fundraising goal.

Sing up by February 22nd, 12pm and fundraise through the marathon to reach your goal!


February 22, 12pm

Mail Call

18 hours is a LONG time. Your people are cheering for you to finish the event. Mail Call is a chance to read a letter from those cheering you on. Letters should be submitted by February 22 at noon in order to receive them during the dance marathon.


February 22, 12pm

Angel Hour

Angel Hour is a time when we remember and recognize the people in our lives who have been impacted by cancer and blood disorders. Submit a photo and description of the loved one you would like to honor or remember by February 22.


February 23, 8pm

Fundraising Deadline

Eligibility for raiseRED 2023 is determined Thursday evening, at 8pm. Be sure to reach your $200 dancer minimum by this point, but don't start there! Just because there's a deadline to determine your eligibility doesn't mean there's a deadline to raise as much money for kid's health as possible!

Share your dancer page, and don't forget to utilize our fundraising resources!


February 24th, 4pm-5:45pm

Check In

It's go-time! Check in for the dance marathon opens at 4pm and closes promptly at 5:45pm. We can't wait to see you!

Late arrivals will report to the ballroom and will go through a late check-in process. You may miss opening ceremonies, but we won't let you miss the main event!

Check out our Dancer Survival Guide for what to expect, what to pack, what NOT to pack, and all the other questions you may have.


February 25th, 10:30am- 12pm

Community Celebration

It's time for the big reveal! Community members, Sponsors, families we support, and YOUR family and friends will gather in the SAC to see how much money we raised for Kid's Health!

Immediately following the big reveal, after the cheering, jumping, and celebrating dies down, you'll be free to get your bag from baggage claim and go get some sleep.

Tell your friends and family to be there!

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