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Join raiseRED Staff

Staff applications for raiseRED 2024-2025 are open now! They will be open on Engage until September 11th at 5pm.

RaiseRED Staff members will report to previously hired student Coordinators serving on the raiseRED Executive Board. Staff members are crucial to our success as an organization, and we hope you’ll consider becoming part of our team! Please thoroughly read each position description before continuing the application. With resources and opportunities for fundraising available, Staff members are also responsible for raising at least $500 by the start of raiseRED Spirit Week on Monday, February 17, 2025 - with the exception of Service Staff, who are required to raise $200 by the start of Spirit Week. There will be deadlines for hitting fundraising goals beforehand. 

Below you will find a list of dates and events that are mandatory for raiseRED Leadership. There will also be other meeting dates and events that could be required by your Coordinator. This list is subjected to change at the discretion of the Executive Director.


Thursday, October 3rd at 7 PM: Leadership Welcome Meeting 

Sunday, October 13th at 11 AM - 4 PM: Leadership Retreat 

Thursday, November 14th at 7 PM: Leadership Meeting 

Thursday, November 21st at 7 PM: Leadership Meeting 

Sunday, January 12th at 12-3 PM: Winter Leadership Retreat 

Thursday, January 23rd at 7 PM: Leadership Meeting

Thursday, February 6th at 7 PM: Leadership Meeting

Monday-Thursday, February 17th-20th (evenings): raiseRED Spirit Week

Friday-Saturday, February 21st-22nd: raiseRED Dance Marathon

Sunday, February 23rd at 1 PM- 3 PM: Marathon Clean Up 

Interested in applying for raiseRED Staff? Not sure which Staff to apply to? Want to learn more? Stop by our Staff Interest Session on Tuesday, September 3rd at 6 PM in SAC W117. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Sara Eversole at


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